Casa Enrichment

Friday Mornings 8:30am - 11:30am
  • Class Time & Child Eligibility

    Enrichment Friday Mornings: 8:30am – 11:30am

    Children in their second year of Casa or children turning 4 by December 31 are welcome to enroll.

  • Enrichment Programming

    Each week the children work on activities and practice cooperating in a small groups.

    We will practice printing skills with simple journal activities, engage in some exciting science experiments, and prepare our group snack for all to enjoy. Finally, we will work on memory with a novel study, starting with a short stories and building up to quick novels.

  • Daily Routine

    (This is subject to change depending on activities)

    • 8:30 - 8:45
      Welcome and beginning circle
    • 8:45 - 9:15
      Journal activity
    • 9:15 - 9:45
    • 9:45 - 10:05
      Snack prep and group snack
    • 10:05 - 10:35
    • 10:35 - 11:05
      Circle and Novel study
    • 11:05 - 11:30
      playtime and dismissal
  • Activity Descriptions

    • Science & Project Work

      From exploring simple to more complex Science experiments, the children will learn how to make hypotheses and draw conclusions. We will be studying the solar system in depth and will create a project from our studies.

    • Language & Math

      Building on the children’s knowledge, we will continue with our language and math programs. Extra Italian will also be a feature during this week.

    • Cookery & Gardening

      Children will learn basic cooking techniques. We will create some culinary delights during this session to either eat for snack or bring home to share. For the holidays the children will create baking for a small bake sale to raise money for our charity project. The children will plant and tend to plants, vegetables and fruit. We will hopefully be able to make use of the fruits of our labour during the cooking portion of these weeks.

    • Music & Theatre

      The children will have a small group lesson with our music teacher using the Orff method. In Theatre, the children will be practicing public speaking, memorization and performance techniques. A small production will take place during the year.

    • Arts & Crafts

      We will study the art technique of a different artist each session and create a piece of artwork. A craft project will be decided upon as a group and over time we will create a large group project, as well as, individual crafts to take home.

    • Field Trips & In-House Visitors

      We will take the children on 3 out of classroom field trips. These will happen after 11:30am and will require parent participation. Two in-class visitors will also provide activities for the children during a regular Friday morning session.

  • Casa Dei Bambini Educators